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Tuesday, July 1, 2014


By Timothy Schoeffel, ECWSA Chairman

Construction of the new Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) is well underway. Contractors began mobilizing equipment in November 2013. The cold, brutal winter we all suffered through did present some issues and delays, but the project is now in full construction mode and on target to be completed and meet the PA Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Consent Order deadline of December 31, 2014.

The following is a brief explanation and timeline of construction activities:
  • November 2013 – Cleared and grubbed the area designated for new construction; installed erosion and sediment; began excavation for three new tanks.
    Breaking Ground for the New Evans City
    Waste Water Treatment Plant
  • December 2013 – Mobilized labor and equipment; excavated and backfill for new tanks.
  • January 2014 – Installed piping under Digester Tank and SBR Tank #2.
  • February 2014 – Mobilized more equipment and labor; installed construction entrance, silt socks, and cleared trees.
  • March 2014 – Installed more lines; prepped subgrade; installed stone under footing for Digester Tank and SBR Tank #2; installed Storm Pipes; erected  Storm Pond #1; stripped top soil; excavated for Precast Wet Well; excavated and installed NPW Tank; installed temporary power.
  • April 2014 – Pressure testing of lines; installed Sanitary and Water Bypass lines; installed Wet Well and NPW Tank; excavated for Grit Chamber, Channels and Valve Vault; various plumbing jobs.
  • May 2014 – Poured cement for Tank Footers and Tank Slabs; Began erection of Digester Tank; installed Drain Lines; installed piping for Wet Well, Valve Vault.
  • Work in Progress – Complete erection of all 3 Tanks; install Air Lines, Piping; pour concrete for the Head Works System; install pipe rails and supports for the Influent Lifting System; begin underground conduit for electrical systems.

A Brief History of the ECWSA Waste Water Treatment Plant Project

Moving Ahead on Schedule
 In 2002, the Borough of Evans City owned and operated the Waste Water System and Waste Water Treatment Plant.. In December of 2002 the Borough and PADEP entered into a Consent Order Agreement to resolve Evans City’s violations of the Clean Streams Law regarding the WWTP.

The Evans City Water & Sewer Authority was formed in 2007. In 2008, the Authority recommended to Borough Council to draft an Update Revision to include alternatives to either upgrade the WWTP or evaluate regionalization with neighboring municipalities.

  • In 2009, after a thorough study by the Authority, the Authority indicated that the regionalization alternative was not economically feasible, and recommended to Council to upgrade the WWTP.
  • In 2010, the PADEP approved the construction of a new 850,000-gallon Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) Sewage Treatment Plant to resolve the existing hydraulic overload conditions.
  • In September 2011, the Authority assumed ownership of the WWTP and it’s infrastructure.
  • In 2013, The Authority obtained financing for the new WWTP through a Bond Issue of  $9,350,000.00.
  • The new WWTP must be completed and in operation by December 31, 2014.
Any amount of monthly Debt Service that will be passed on to the users of the new  WWTP has not yet been determined. The Authority hopes to have the 2015 Sewage Rates and Debt Service defined by October 31st. Early analysis indicates a “Residential Customer” using on average 5,400 gallons of water per month could see the sewage portion of their bill increase ~ 53% ($49.40 to $76.32). Commercial,  Industrial, Wholesale customers will see, more than likely, a larger increase.

An Arial View: Evans City WWTP Project
The Authority is currently discussing new agreements with Callery Borough and a large Industrial User that could impact the final amount of the rate increase. The Authority is also in the early planning stages to extend sewage service to the Mars-Evans City Road and Watters Station Rd. corridors in Forward Township. The Authority also hopes to reach an agreement in the future with Jackson Township to extend service to areas near the Evans City border. These agreements could ultimately reduce the amount of debt service for each user.Please plan ahead for a change in rates beginning in 2015.