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Friday, May 1, 2015

ECWSA NEWS SPRING 2015: Waste Water Treatment Plant Project News

Timothy Schoeffel
The ECWSA is excited to report that the new Wastewater Treatment Plant is operating at 100%. The new plants capacity has increased to 850,000 gallons per day. Contractors are still working on “punch lists” and our Plant Operators are eagerly learning the new state of the art process and technology.

Influent (incoming flow) was introduced on February 2nd 2015 at 2:00 PM, about a month and a half later than planned. By mid-March of 2015, the plant was taking 100% of the influent. The old plant was drained, sludge removed from the tanks, and demolished after the new plant was determined to be fully functional.

The new WWTP is a Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) Plant which will improve the quality of wastewater discharged into the Breakneck Creek, allow for future customers in the surrounding communities to connect, and will easily handle heavy rain events which would at times overflow the current plant. The new plant will use modern technological systems which include two (2) new biological tanks, one (1) aerobic digester tank, ultraviolet light disinfection system, Non-Potable Water underground tank system, return pump station wet well and four (4) storm water ponds to improve the collection of wastewater, the treatment of sludge and the management of biosolids. These enhancements will reduce the negative impacts of wastewater effluent on human health and the surrounding environment, and enable the Evans City Water & Sewer Authority (ECWSA) to meet the PADEP’s Wastewater Regulations.