This notification is to inform our customers of a slight rate adjustment, effective April 1. The adjustment is a result of Consumer Price Index changes and increased costs over the last twelve months.
Fortunately, investments in efficient equipment and improved technology will enable us to keep rate increases at a minimum, today and in the future.
We anticipate no additional rate adjustments for the next two years.
All questions, concerns, and comments should be addressed directly to the Evans City Water & Sewer Authority in writing, or at our monthly public meeting. Meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Borough Building Community Room at 204 South Jackson Street.
Thank you for understanding that this price increase means that we can continue to maintain quality, safety, and a high standard of our products and services. A summary of rate changes is located below.
All questions, concerns, and comments should be addressed directly to the Evans City Water & Sewer Authority in writing, or at our monthly public meeting. Meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Borough Building Community Room at 204 South Jackson Street.
Thank you for understanding that this price increase means that we can continue to maintain quality, safety, and a high standard of our products and services. A summary of rate changes is located below.
Sewer Customer Charge - $9.70
Sewer EDU Service Charge- $43.20
Sewer Volumetric Usage Charge
1st Block, Up to 50,000 gallons - $8.40 per 1000 gallons
Water Customer Charge - $5.50Water EDU Service Charge In-Borough - $17.60
Water EDU Service Charge Out of Borough - $23.10
Water Volumetric Usage Charge
1st Block, Up to 50,000 gallons - $5.90
2nd Block, Over 50,000 gallons - $6.20
Total billing for In-Borough customers who utilize both waterand sewer service:
< 1,000 gallons – $ 76.00
1,000 gallons – $ 90.30
2,000 gallons – $104.60
3,000 gallons – $118.90
4,000 gallons – $133.20
5,000 gallons – $147.50
6,000 gallons – $161.80
7,000 gallons – $176.10
8,000 gallons – $190.40
9,000 gallons – $204.70
10,000 gallons – $219.00
Out of Borough customers add $5.50